Fredrica Korankye is a dedicated and passionate Nurse/Midwife with about 10years working experience managing gynaecological and reproductive health problems including cervical cancer.
She holds a Diploma in Midwifery from the Nursing and Midwifery Training College Sekondi, and a BSc Nursing from the University of Ghana Legon.
She has extensive experience in her field; having acquired vast expertise and also training of professionals from various fields, and engaging in numerous outreaches. She has been involved in providing counselling to clients on the various family planning methods and provision of such, cervical cancer and HPV vaccination. Further, she has experience in the screening and management of cervical cancer, management of infertility and post-menopausal symptoms, as well as the management and treatment of STIs. She has also led training exercises for young doctors and nurses on Family planning and cervical cancer in her unit as well as joining outreaches on Cervical Cancer Awareness via radio and TV media, churches, schools and offices.
Update on Cervical Cancer Management |